The Potential Leader Lab Podcast

Take Me to the Episodes

Let me start by telling you that
I Don't Have the Answers.

So why listen to my podcast?

Because I focus on asking the right questions, like: What if you stop focusing on what you are doing as a leader and shift to who you’re being as a leader?

Did you feel that uncomfortable twinge, deep down inside when you read that?

That means we’re making progress. It’s also the start of the journey toward realizing your potential as the leader you were meant to be.

This pursuit of true leadership doesn’t begin inside the next big business bestseller or with a high-powered leadership consultant. It starts with you, and your potential.

Unlocking your potential as a leader requires a change in your beliefs about who you are and what you can accomplish. That starts within the Potential Leader Lab with our  Explore. Experiment. Evolve. framework. Together, we’ll seek out new eclectic and provocative insights to form new hypotheses about leadership. Then, we’ll take these ideas into the world so you can see what works and what doesn’t. Then, and only then, can you begin your evolution into the leader you were meant to be. That’s where the real transformation begins.

Your potential —and your responsibility—as a leader—is ever-increasing and never-ending. This podcast is dedicated and committed to that pursuit.

All Episodes

September 11, 2023

EQ with Eric Pennington

All right. Well, welcome to the Potential Leader Lab podcast. I'm your host, Perry Mortimer, and I'm joined today by Eric Pennington. Eric is the founder of two things. He's the founder of Epic Living and he's also the managing partner at the Spirit of EQ, focused on emotio

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August 23, 2023

Hilary Blair

Welcome to the Potential Leader Lab. And I'm your host, Perry Maughmer. Today I am very excited and so looking forward to introducing our guest and speaking with Hilary Blair. Hilary is the Founder and CEO of ARTiculate Real&Clear where Hilary and her team work with high-ac

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August 14, 2023

The One Superpower That Rules Them All

Hello and welcome to the Potential Leader Lab podcast. I'm your host, Perry Maughmer. And today we're going to talk about the one superpower that rules them all. This is the one, I believe the one thing if we can master, if we can make it, the thing that we focus on. It will

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July 25, 2023

Choose Our Boulders Carefully

Hello and welcome to the Potential Leader Lab podcast. I'm your host, Perry Maughmer. And today we're going to be talking about how we need to choose our boulders wisely. So I'm going to preface this with telling you a little story that I've told before, but it's one I tell

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July 11, 2023

Why Success Sucks

If we want things to change, we need to make different decisions and choices - which require discomfort and risk. But as we become more successful, our propensity to take the risks required to evolve as both people and leaders becomes harder. In this episode, we’re exploring

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June 27, 2023

A Leader's Replenishment Plan with Mitch Harrison

In this episode, I’m joined by Mitch Harrison of Refill Coaching. Together, we explore the phenomenon of burnout and how organizations can create frameworks to better support high performance teams through energy management and normalized periods of rest and recuperation. 

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June 20, 2023

Condemned To Be Free

In this episode I’m exploring the idea of freedom and choice, and how we can all take these concepts and turn the world into a better place for the people we care about. According to French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre, despite not creating ourselves and being put here w

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June 13, 2023

The Battle From Within

The truth about growth is it’s uncomfortable. But if we want our future to be different, we need to start acting differently in the present. I believe the most important battle we fight in moving towards our goals and aspirations is the one within ourselves as we fight to le

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June 6, 2023

Leadership Is Overrated

In this episode, we’re exploring how organizations can generate the qualities of good leadership and good management in order to achieve greater success.

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May 30, 2023

Evolving On Purpose

Evolving on purpose suggests two things; doing something with intention and moving towards a specific end state. To evolve is to be different. Not better, not worse, just different.In this episode of the Potential Leader Lab, I’m exploring why instead of aspiring to evolve t

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May 23, 2023

The Imperative of a Leadership Philosophy

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare” - Japanese proverb.Often, I work with organizations that aren’t seeing the leadership they want but haven’t taken the time to define what they want that leadership to look like. In failing to clearly

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May 16, 2023

The Chasm Between Knowing and Doing

We all have limited resources, personally, in our departments, our teams, and our organizations. And yet we create lists so long that they become overwhelming, and we fail to deliver on them. In this episode of the Potential Leader Lab, I’m exploring how to bridge the divide

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May 9, 2023

Living In A Cage of Your Own Creation

So often, we create boxes or cages for ourselves that stop us from being open to new ideas or ways of being simply because we’ve constructed a story that says it must be that way in order to keep ourselves feeling safe. In this episode, I’m exploring what happens when we get

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May 2, 2023

Creating A Life You Don't Want to Retire From

Retirement is a concept born from the political and fiscal realities of a bygone era. And yet we cling to the antiquated idea of retiring from a job or life we don’t enjoy despite it making very little sense in the scheme of a modern society. Instead of waiting to enjoy life

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April 25, 2023

Goals Demotivate Your Team

In this episode, we’re exploring the shift that happens when leaders create a culture and use language that drives behaviors focused on the strategy and direct impact of their actions, rather than focusing on goals alone.

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April 18, 2023

Stop Having Meetings That Suck

Seventy one percent of senior managers feel that meetings are unproductive and inefficient.In the post covid era, we’re used to going from meeting to meeting to meeting without actually getting any work done. I believe it’s time to create clarity, increase accountability, an

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April 11, 2023

Don’t Lead Like Ricky Bobby

As leaders, we need to move quickly, but we can’t be fast all the time. And yet our default setting is to move fast, to categorize everything as important and urgent, requiring speed and efficiency. In this episode, I’m exploring why we can’t lead like Ricky Bobby, and how

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April 4, 2023

Leaders Embracing The Idea To Evolve

In this episode, I explore the idea of evolving as a leader through mindset, locus of control, motivation, the power of our beliefs and manifestation to challenge our thoughts and beliefs and find a different way to positively impact the cognitive, emotional and psychologica

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March 28, 2023

Thoughts on Thinking and Writing

The traditional mindset around leadership is that good leaders know how to act.Whilst that’s true to a point - leaders do need to take action - I believe more importantly, leaders need to think and create strategies or things of value that don’t exist but will improve the v

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March 21, 2023

Developing Leaders Is A Wicked Problem

Traditionally, we have focused on training leaders - instructing them on how to do a task with a short term focus on skills - the results of which may not play out for months or years.

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March 14, 2023

Freedom Demands Absolute Accountability

Freedom is fundamentally who we are as Americans.But despite speaking of freedom a lot, we rarely explore or want to accept the other side of that equation; accountability and responsibility. Existentialists believe we act ourselves into being and are free to change who we a

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March 7, 2023

Leaders Are Broken Humans...Just Like The Rest Of Us

Leaders are broken humans, just like everyone else. Pretending that you're not creates isolation, which in turn manifests itself as stress and burnout. Being vulnerable gives us permission to share what makes us who we are. There is real financial, relational, emotional, and

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February 21, 2023

Learn or Be Left Behind

In this episode we’re defining and understanding how adults learn and the importance that the learning process leads not just to new knowledge but to change, which in turn increases the potential for improved performance and future learning.

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February 7, 2023

Why Focus And Energy Outweigh Time

In this episode, I’m exploring time, focus, energy, intent, and attention—not necessarily in that order! The genesis for this discussion is my contempt for time management and my desire to explore some other concepts that might yield a better result and assist us better in

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January 17, 2023

Leaders Must Be Selfish

Leadership is about serving other people, but as Eleanor Brown said, you cannot serve from an empty vessel. As leaders, we also need to take care of ourselves. In this episode, we’re exploring how our role as a manager is not to take on every single thing that crosses our pa

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January 3, 2023

The Danger of Goal Setting

The overarching theme of today’s episode of the Potential Leader Lab is how we mistakenly weaponize goals due to our fundamental misunderstanding of the realities they create and the behaviors they generate. In a world obsessed with setting and reaching arbitrary goals, it’s

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December 19, 2022

Human Potential and Why It Matters

The world needs more from us. In this episode, we explore Human Potential and the journey toward discovering abilities that will be integral to being the leader our organizations and the people we care about will need in the future.

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December 1, 2022

Activate Your Potential with E3

Dive into the E3 framework and explore how this growth mindset model positively transforms leadership capacity and outcomes by providing a sustainable and scalable environment where ideas can flourish through exploration, experimentation and evolution.

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